Dummy M2 OR M85 Machine Gun Belts - 50BMG

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50 BMG M2 OR M85 Dummy Machine Gun Belts

- Genuine military surplus brass fired from an M2 machine gun.

- All "Lake City '15" headstamp.

- Brass is washed, polished, retains original spent primer, contains no powder, and has an unused surplus bullet crimped in place with a factory-style crimp.

- M85 belts have new military surplus M15 push-through links.

- M2 belts have new military surplus M9 links.

- 10 rounds per belt with the same number of links, can be linked together to form longer belts.

- Great for display, re-enactments, costumes, decoration, and military collectors.

- Free shipping with USPS Priority Mail.

(Look for additional listings of Dummy rounds and machine gun belts in 5.56, 7.62 and 50BMG)

**This is not loaded ammunition**

****Metal machine gun links are considered "Feeding Devices" so if your state has firearm magazine capacity restrictions, we cannot ship this item in any quantity as they could made into capacities over the legal limit - by purchasing this item you affirm that it is legal for you to purchase and ship to you.****

****Because this product is comprised of surplus military property, seller is required to inform subsequent purchasers that parts or all of these items are listed on the U.S. Munitions List (USML) or the Commerce Control List (CCL) and may not be exported from the U.S. without approval by the Office of Defense Trade Controls (DTC) of the U.S. Department of State according to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22C.F.R. Parts 120-130) and Arms Export Control Act (AECA) (22 U.S.C. 2778-2780). {Basically, if you want to take or ship it out of the U.S. you need DTC approval}****

If this item is unavailable, please contact me to get on my production schedule - the past three years I have been basically been doing custom work trying to keep up with demand.